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My coaching is personalized, so be as detailed as possible in your responses.

Sydney's Story

As a mom of two young kids, 4 and 1, she didn't love the postpartum body she was living in. Her goal was to lose the baby weight to get her body back to feeling like her confident, happy, sexy self again.

I created a customized gym plan to sculpt her body, helped her create better daily habits, and had her follow my nutrition guidance for fat loss. She invested so much time and effort into herself and it all payed off!!

Sydney got to her goal by losing 80lbs!! Then following her deficit, she dove into a building phase to put on more lean muscle by working calories back up and continuing lifting weights!

Christina's Story

My sister, who is a mom of three girls that were 5 and under, tried every fad diet out there. She was tired of feeling so drained, self conscious, unhappy with her body, and frustrated that nothing was working long-term.

She knew that she was going to feel so much better mentally, have more energy for the kids, and even a more intimate and stronger relationship with her husband when she took time to take care of herself.

I made her a customized home workout plan, had her tracking her food with nutrition protocols, and making it more of a lifestyle!

As a bonus to feeling absolutely amazing.. she lost over 50lbs and is working towards new goals!!

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